Director of Political Parties of Ministry of Justice is introduced

Tue, Dec 15 2020 8:44 AM

Mr. Shahedullah, who was appointed as the head of the political parties of the General Directorate of Coordination of the Ministry of Justice after, going through the process of free competition and with the approval of the high presidential office, was officially introduced to the employees of this department during a ceremony.

Acting director of the General Directorate of Coordination of the Ministry of Justice, while introducing the director of the political parties of this directorate besides congratulating him on his appointment, said that, the Political Parties Department of the General Directorate of Coordination is an important part and emphasized on expedition of work process of this section.

On the other hand, the Director of the Political Parties of the General Directorate of Coordination of the Ministry of Justice, also offered his gratitude to the leadership of the Ministry of Justice and promised that he will take all efforts and work honestly.

Mr. Shahedullah has achieved this positions through a free competition process, being organized by the cooperation of the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission.



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