The Ministry of Justice Presented the One Year Report on the Activities and Achievement of This Ministry

Sheikh Abdul Kareem Haidar, the Professional Deputy Minister of Ministry of Justice, presented the one year report on the activities and achievements of this ministry on Sunday, 5th of September in government accountability conference to the nation.
The deputy of ministry of justice said during the conference that this ministry drafted and scrutinized 20 legislative documents last year which were included of procedures and legislative draft documents, presented 172 legal consultations to the Emirate ministries and administrations and commented on 7 legislative documents of the ministries. Further more he added; this ministry commented on 26 international legal draft documents and certified 82 thousand and 422 formal documents which were translated from the formal languages of the country to the foreign languages.
Although, the Deputy of Ministry of justice said that this ministry registered and addressed to 97 thousand and 700 legal cases last year which were included of petitions and files in all over the country, 33 thousand and 700 property petitions, 57 thousand petitions of commercial loans and 7 thousand family petitions are amongst them.

Regarding this statement, amongst the registered cases, 4 thousand and 601 cases were resolved through the mediations and conciliations without referencing them to the courts, 19 thousand of cases were sent to the courts, 7 thousand and 700 hundred cases were sent to responsible administrations for processing. 39 thousand of cases were saved and 25 thousand and 895 cases are under work. He added, 1 thousand and 504 cases were reached to this ministry, 695 cases of them were implemented, 609 cases were sent to the Supreme Court and other references and 200 other cases are under work.
The Deputy of the Ministry of Justice pointed out the responsibilities of this ministry in the field of providing free legal assistance to incapable suspects, this ministry defended the rights of 167 suspected individuals in justice and judicial references and provided 163 free legal consultations. He added that this ministry held 78 programs of public rights awareness and conducted public awareness programs for 6 thousand and 936 individuals.
The deputy of ministry of justice said in other part of his speeches that this ministry issued only in Kabul 1 thousand and 215 real estate agencies and 731 petitions writer activity licenses and distributed 707 volumes of registration books and issued 21 thousand and 95 information form for obtaining real estates agency and petition writer activity licenses. He added that 1 thousand and 169 offices of the real estate agencies were monitored and reviewed, 329 real estate agencies’ offices were closed duet to violations last year. In this year, 290 real estate agencies cancelled their licenses and the licenses of 183 others real estate agencies were also cancelled.

He said that 150 requests of foundations and charity foundations operating licenses were reached to this ministry last year, amongst them the operating licenses were issued for 92 individuals, 17 other didn’t refer back because of tariff and banking bonds and 41 other request are under the process. He added that 212 offices of foundations were overseen and monitored, 150 foundations were new and 62 others were former foundations. 4 charity foundations were closed due to illegal activities and complaints of people.
Sheikh Sahib said that this ministry begins the investigations on files of 6 thousands foundations that they received in the previous government, right now 532 files were investigated that amongst them 300 active foundations and 232 other inactive foundations were consolidated.
The Deputy Minister of Ministry of Justice said that this ministry begins building the construction of MASJID in the yard of this ministry by coordination of peoples of republic of china and 75 percent construction affairs are completed and construction is going on.
He added that yet twice a week, the evaluation process of defense attorneys is continued. 16 evaluation terms are conducted for 844 defense lawyers, in the result 785 of them were passed, 36 of them were failed and 23 others were absent. He added that the activity licenses are distributed to the 415 defense lawyers.

The Deputy Minister of Ministry of Justice clarified in the section of the defense of government profit and rights, more than 3 thousand and 32 acre land and a shop is decided to the benefit of the Islamic Emirate and the court decisions are implemented on them. Although, more the 11 million and 735 thousand Afghani and more than $760 dollars were decided in the favor of Emirate, submitted to the account of Islamic Emirate and the decision of the courts related to the more than 152 acre land and 16 yards are also decided in the favor of Islamic Emirate which is sent to the related administrations for implementations.
He added that more than 242 million and 199 thousand amount in Afghani and more than 27 million and 278 thousand amount in dollars were sent for implementations.
Regarding the statement of the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Justice, in this period of time the restitution decisions issued related to more than 49 thousand and 348 acre land and 180 shops, or after the identification, the decisions were implemented to the favor of Islamic Emirate. The issued decisions related to 1 thousand and 729 acre land either sent for implementation. 308 thousand and 935 acre land was submitted to the relevant administrations by the efforts of the Ministry of Justice.
Sheikh Abdul Kareem Haidar also said about the collected revenue in this period of last year, the Ministry of Justice collected total 107 million and 152 thousand and 533 Afghani and deposited to the treasury of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. He added that the total expenditures of this ministry was 150 million Afghani, amongst which 96 million was paid to ministry’s employees and other 54 million were paid to the essential goods, maintenance of the ministry and other issues.