The Meetings of the Deputy Minister for Professional Affairs of Ministry of Justice with the Deputy of Administration Affairs for Monitoring and Policy

The deputy minister of ministry of justice of Islamic Emirate Sheikh Sahib Abdul Kareem Haidar meets and discussed with Mawlawi Sahib Saifuldeen Taeb, the deputy for monitoring and policy of the general directorate of administration and affairs and his delegation in his office at ministry of justice, on Wednesday, 17th August.
The objective of this meeting was the practical monitoring, confirmation and certification of the modality of the implementation of the Islamic emirate cabinet ordinances.

In this meeting, the objectives, intents and work fields of practical observation was explained and the practical overseeing team was introduced to the officials of the Ministry of Justice. Furthermore, the ministry of justice was requested in this meeting to coordinate with the monitoring team in providing documents and information to the practical team.
The objective of this practical supervision is presenting the performances and achievements of the ministries and administrations to the higher authorities, confirming and certifying the performances and functions thereof, identifying the existing problems and weaknesses and providing appropriate solutions therefor, and creation of more coordination amongst ministries and administrations in relation to the completion of their common activities.