Minister of Justice Participates in Fourteenth UN Congress on Advancing Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice and Rule of Law

Sun, Mar 14 2021 10:09 AM

Professor Fazal Ahmad Manawi, Minister of Justice of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan presiding a delegation, visited Japan to attend the Fourteenth UN Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice and Rule of Law towards Sustainable Development Goals. The high level segment of the Congress attended by the Minister, was convened on March 07th to 09th, in which, Minister Manawi on behalf of the Government of Afghanistan, delivered a speech on the topic.

In this official trip, Minister of Justice was being accompanied by Mr. Hassan Faizee- Director of Security and Border related Cooperation of MoFA, Mr. Rohullah Aabdi- Executive Director of ACJC and Mr. Abdul Hakim Latify- Legal Translations Expert of MoJ.

The UN Crime Congress held every five years, dates back to the nineteenth century with an aim to address the concerns of nations in the arenas of crime prevention, criminal justice and rule of law. Considering the challenges faced by today’s world, the need for convening this conference is increasing on a daily basis.


The high level segment of this congress formally opened with the speech of H.E Yushihidi Suga- the Prime Minister of Japan and H.E Kamikawa Yoko- the Minister of Justice of Japan and the Chairperson of the Congress in Kyoto International Conferences Center.

Fazal Ahmad Manawi- the Minister of Justice of Afghanistan, also delivered his speech in this conference on combat against crimes and the rule of law.

He, in his speech, in addition to the achievements of Afghanistan in the arena of combating crimes during the last two decades, referred to the dire need for unwavering combat against crimes particularly the international crimes that have adversely affected Afghanistan to a great extent. He called upon the international community to assist his country in this battle.

On 08th and 09th of March 2021, the Minister of Justice of Afghanistan, on the brink of the Congress, met with H.E Szijjarto Peter- the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary and Mr. Norbert Palanovics- the Ambassador, and Ms. Alyna Gelenyi Martinez- the Deputy Head of Mission of Hungary to Japan. Both sides in this meeting discussed the historical relationships and strengthening ways of cooperation, peace, and rule of law and the ending of war in Afghanistan.  

In this meeting, the Minister of Justice of Afghanistan besides appreciating the efforts of Hungary under the NATO, underscored the importance of peace process and asked for the support of this country on intra Afghan peace negotiations. He further added: “As Hungary helped Afghanistan in the battle against terrorism, this country is to support Afghanistan not only in bringing peace but to also support the international community in making a positive perception for bringing meaningful peace while preserving the achievements of the last few decades. He emphasized that peace process plays a more vital role than the war; and that is why, this matter requires a very serious attention.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary assured to cooperate Afghanistan in the fight against terrorism and the peace process. He also agreed to uphold in the international community the perception to preserve the achievements of the last two decades stable peace in Afghanistan.

Minister of Justice of Afghanistan, at another brink of the Congress met with Her Excellency Kamikawa Yoko- Minister of Justice of Japan and extended his cordial gratitude for their invitation and the generous support of Japan with Afghanistan in different arenas. He talked about the historical relations between the two countries and emphasized on strengthening mutual cooperation particularly in the area of justice and legislation. He further asked for the assistance of Japan to modernize the legislation system of Afghanistan and to transform the classic system of legislation (law-making) into a contemporary system.

Minister of Justice of Japan warmly welcomed the delegation of Afghanistan and thanked them for their participation and presence to Japan in the course of prevalence of the COVID 19 epidemic to attend UN Crime Congress for the Agenda 2030. She emphasized that the face to face meetings help a great extent in trust building and strengthening mutual cooperation. She further added that being committed to Justice Diplomacy, Japan is interested to open a new chapter of cooperation with Afghanistan in the field of legislation and would consider the modality of such cooperation with Afghanistan after the end of the COVID 19 crisis. Ms. Kamikawa Yoko said that her country has prepared grounds for trainings of 40 Afghans in the justice areas through the the United Nations Asia & Far East Institute (UNAFEI). She gave emphasis to the continuation of such trainings for the employees of Ministry of Justice of Afghanistan.

She asked the Minister of Justice of Afghanistan to provide them through the embassy of Afghanistan in Japan, a specific concept note on cooperation of Japan to modernize the legislation system of Afghanistan, in the light of which, Japan would consider supporting Afghanistan in the said area.

Likewise, the Minister of Justice of Afghanistan held a meeting with H.E Al Emad Hasan- the Ambassador of Qatar to Japan. He expressed his gratitude to Qatar for hosting the peace process in Afghanistan. Both sides in this meeting highlighted the importance of strengthening mutual cooperation, stable peace and other relevant issues. They at the same time, expressed hope for peace and security in Afghanistan.

It is mention worthy that the Afghanistan delegation prior to their trip to Japan, took part in a virtual meeting of G77 plus China that Afghanistan also holds its membership. In this meeting, the issue of supporting peace process and security in Afghanistan was raised so that it is staunchly supported as the joint stance of the G77 in the 14th UN Congress.

Similarly, the Minister of Justice of Afghanistan and their entourage visited on 28th of February 2021 the Embassy of Japan in Kabul as per the invitation of H.E Takashi Okada the Ambassador of Japan to Afghanistan. Both sides discussed the history, culture and friendly relations between the two nations and exchanged views on strengthening cooperation particularly in the area of rule of law.

The minister of justice of Afghanistan and their entourage returned Afghanistan after the end of the high level segment of fourteenth UN Crime Congress.




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