H.E the Acting Minister of Justice met with the General Director of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) on Wednesday, April 27th 2022.

Thu, Feb 17 2022 12:57 PM

Mawlawi Abdul Hakim Shari', the acting Minister of Justice met with Mr. Raymond Micklewright, the General Director of International Development Law Organization (IDLO), and his accompanying delegation in his office.

During the meeting, Mr. Micklewright provided detailed information about the organizations' projects and activities, and said that it was a good opportunity for them to continue their cooperation with the people and government of Afghanistan in a peaceful atmosphere.  

Mr. Micklewright added that the organization wanted to help bring about justice and people to settle disputes on a regular basis, in accordance with Islamic law and the culture of the community.

He also said that they want to cooperate with the civil society toward their capacity building in the areas of observance of assistance standards and other principal necessities so that the civil society can express the real voice of people along with the Islamic Emirate and this eventually result in the recognition of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

With regard to the Independent Bar Association, Mr. Micklewright said that, in different countries, the activity license for the defense attorneys is issued by the ministry of justice of the respective countries, however, for the Bar Association to establish and maintain an effective relation with their clients and the courts and to utilize effectual standards and mechanisms in the field of Justice Administration, their independence ought to be respected.  

Then, the acting Minister of Justice of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in his speeches assured that, in order to regulate the activities and affairs of defense attorneys, the ministry of justice will help them with licensing issues and other administrative affairs within the framework of the relevant law and they are completely independent with respect to their activities and may proceed their legal activities without any concerns.

Minister of Justice also mentioned that, it is a great happiness for all Afghans that notwithstanding the prolonged periods of war and other problems, the Islamic Emirate has been able to provide security all over the country and through a Shari' amnesty, not only all criminals have been forgiven but also necessary measures have been taken to guarantee their securities as well.

The Minister of Justice also clarified that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is fully committed to the educational rights of all Afghan people especially the girls and women, and after the elimination of some technical barriers, the girls would be able to continue their educations with observing the Islamic principles and regulations.

He also added that, some propagandas are being broadcasted incorrectly against the Islamic Emirate through media which needs to be stopped and instead, the facts should be reflected globally. He also expressed hopes, that Mr. Biden, the President of United States of America would reconsider his decision regarding the freezing of Afghanistan assets because that decision is extreme cruelty and persecution against Afghan people and will have very negative impacts on the people's economic situations.

In the end, Minister of Justice assured the officials of the mentioned organization of any kind of cooperation in the light of Islamic Jurisprudence and principles of Islamic Emirate and mentioned that in order to revise and amend the laws, respected religious scholars and specialists have been appointed to work in this arena and introduce the laws which are beneficial and effective for the people.





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