13 Real Estate Agencies were closed in Nangarhar due to illegal activities

Wed, Mar 23 2022 3:52 PM

The Nangarhar Justice Department visited and supervised the real estate agencies offices located on the public road of Kunar Jalalabad, in the 8th district of the city, on Tuesday, March 22, 2022.

The board of inquiry of the Nangarhar Justice Department blocked 13 offices of real estate agencies owning to the lack of required documents and illegal activities.


This delegation, which also includes the National Security Representative, has begun a process of reviewing the real estate agencies in Jalalabad based on a regular plan which has so far closed 116 real estate offices in several areas of the city.

The Nangarhar Justice Department does not in any way allow the real estate agencies to engage in illegal activities and oblige them to obtain legal licenses.


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