The achievements of Acting Minister of Justice in his trip to Norway

Thu, Jan 27 2022 12:32 PM

A high ranking delegation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which was headed by His Excellency Minister of Foreign Affairs Amir Khan Mutaqi and the Acting Minister of Justice Sheikh Abdul Hakim who was part of the delegation traveled to Norway from January 23, 2022 to January 26, 2022.

This trip was very import for the current situation of Afghanistan and talked during this trip with major countries of the world about the important issues of Afghanistan and ended with some achievements.

The Acting Minister of Justice met in a joint meeting in Oslo the capital of Norway with the US Special Representative for Afghanistan, the Special Representatives of Qatar, Britain, Norway, Germany, Italy, France and the European Union and explained to them the policy of Islamic Emirate.  

Those who were worried about the Islamic Emirate regime in various matters and objected the human rights, education, labor and women’s rights, inclusive government and other issues, the Acting Minister of Justice provided a full explanation and convincing reasons in a way that in many cases they acknowledged their unresponsiveness and also gained confidence.

Such trips are very valuable for the development of Afghanistan and communication with the world that is why the representatives of Islamic Emirate was participated with preparedness and responsibility and considered the continuation of such meetings to be in the interest of Afghanistan and the world.

The mentioned delegation during this trip met with Afghan personalities and assured them that Afghanistan is a joint common home for all. There is no obstacle and danger for anyone to live in Afghanistan. The delegation pledged that the Islamic Emirate as a responsible regime protects their lives, property and dignity.







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