Deputy Minister of Justice, in His Trip to Bamyan emphasizes on Implementation of State Cases Reclamation Rulings

Tue, Aug 11 2020 3:05 PM

Sayed Mohammad Hashemi, Deputy Minister of Justice during his trip to Bamyan province paid a visit to Justice Department of this province, and, in his meeting with local officials, discoursed the implementation of final decisions of the courts, the implementation of reclamation rulings and the prevention of usurpation of public properties.

The Deputy Minister in a meeting with Sayed Anwar Rahmati, the governor of Bamyan discussed the prevention of usurpation of public properties, security of the department of Justice and the Huqoq sub departments of Bamyan districts, the sincere cooperation of police in implementing reclamation rulings of State Cases of the Ministry of Justice and the implementation of final court decisions.


In this meeting, the governor of Bamyan, besides emphasizing on coordination in managing the activities, assured of local administrations, particularly of police cooperation with the staff of the Department of Justice in implementing law.

During the visit, the Deputy Minister of Justice also met with the Director General of Bamyan Appellant Courts and emphasized on strengthening the cooperation between justice organs.

Sayed Mohammad Hashemi, Visiting the Department of Justice of Bamyan, evaluated the activities of the department and the existing challenges and provided required instructions to fix the problems of professional and administrative employees.


During the visit to Bamyan, the Deputy Minister of Justice also met the Director of Daikundi Provincial Justice Department. In this meeting, the suggestions and problems of Daikundi Justice Department were examined and necessary instructions were issued to address them.

In the sideline of the visit, the Deputy Minister met a number of scholars, influential figures, authorities and members of civil society organizations of Bamyan and listened to their problems. Members of civil society organizations of Bamyan honored the Deputy Minister of Justice with a plaque of appreciation for the timely implementation, unceasing cooperation and well behavior with the civil society institutions.

It is mention worthy that the Deputy Minister also met the chancellor of university and Head of Education of Bamyan and spoke on related issues.


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