Minister of Justice Inaugurates New Construction of Faryab Justice Department

Wed, Feb 03 2021 12:17 PM

Qazawatpooh Fazil Ahmad Manawi, Minister of Justice, inaugurated the new building of Justice Department during a visit to Faryab province.

Mr. Manawi arrived in Faryab on Tuesday morning, 4th of February, and was welcomed by the Governor of Faryab at Zaheer Faryabi Airport. After the meeting with local officials in that province; he inaugurated the building of Faryab Justice Department, the construction of which has recently been completed in five floors. The inauguration ceremony was also attended by Dr. Naqibullah Fayeq, Governor of Faryab, Management Team, Director of National Security, scholars, elders and officials of the Justice Department.

During his speech at this ceremony, the Minister of Justice emphasized on the implementation of justice as a factor and dynamism for bringing security and said that however we claim that security is a requisite for every work, the requirement of security is also justice. He added that where there is no justice, it would eventually bring about the disruption of security, economy and the routine activities.


He referring to the responsibilities of the Ministry of Justice, said: "We are a corner and a part of justice and hold the responsibility for making coordination for the justice. We anticipate to avail the current opportunities to provide justice as needed across the country."

Minister of Justice emphasized to deal with the cases in the provinces and stated that unfortunately, most of cruelties and injustices occur in remote areas of the provinces, districts, villages and towns that should not be forgotten at any cost.

Mr. Fazil Ahmad Manawi assuring that the situation of the judiciary is now better than before and is improving; said that scholars have a special place in the justice institutions and through this, they are serving their compatriots.


He emphasized, on the presence of defense lawyers during the judicial proceedings as a key factor for the rule of law and justice and said there would be no fair trial if the defense lawyer or legal aid provider is not involved.

At the same time the Minister of Justice emphasized that this ministry has a coordinating role between the justice departments including the judiciary and the prosecutor's office, as well as the police.

Governor of Faryab, Naqibullah Fayeq, also spoke at this ceremony. He welcoming the initiatives of Minister of Justice, said that however the activities of the Justice Department in the province are taking place in its normal way; still it is required to bring change and innovation and expand the organizational structure.


The new building of Faryab Justice Department in five floors has costed 43 millions of Afghanis covered from the developmental budget of the Ministry of Justice.


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