Legalization of Street Vendors Activities

Wed, Sep 02 2020 9:54 AM

The extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet Legislation Committee ratified the drafts of five legislative documents, including the draft Law on Road Transport and the amendment to Article 3 of the Municipalities Law. The purpose of the draft amendment to this article of Municipalities Law is to legalize the activities of street vendors and prevent the congestion and crowd on the roads.


The extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet Legislation Committee was held on Monday, 31st  of September, chaired by Mohammad Sarwar Danish, the second vice president and attended by members of the committee, in which, the draft law on the road transport, the draft Annex 1 to the land management law, the amendment to some articles of telecommunication services fees law, the draft amendment to some articles of telecommunication services management law, the draft amendment to paragraph 23 of third article of municipalities law, the draft amendment to some articles of water affairs management law, the draft amendment to some articles of electricity services law, the draft amendment, addition and deletion of some articles of mines law and the draft amendment to some articles of population registration law, were scrutinized and examined.

The Minister of Justice, Dr. Abdul Basir Anwar, briefed the participants on the road transport law. He stated that the law aims to regulate road transport, provide road transport services in accordance with national and international standards, encourage and support the private sector to provide services, provide and strengthen relations with other countries and international organizations, and to provide safety measures for the passengers.


The draft was ratified after the discussions and suggestions of the committee members. The Ministry of Justice is supposed to present these drafts to the cabinet meeting by incorporating the suggestions in the text of the draft law.

In this meeting, the Minister of Justice also presented the draft amendment to some articles of law on management of water and some articles of the law on regulation of electricity services.

He said that the amendment has been prepared based on the decree of the President, in the light of which, the Ministry of Energy and Water will furthermore function as two separate authorities with independent organizational structures and budget, under the titles of "National Authority for Water Management" and "Authority for Management of Energy Services".


The draft amendments to both mentioned laws were ratified by members of the Legislation Committee.

The Minister of Justice also presented the draft amendment to paragraph 23 of article 3 of municipalities’ law to the members of the Legislation Committee. This draft has been prepared for the purpose of legalizing the activities of street vendors and preventing the congestion and crowd of tradesperson in the roads, which was later after discussions, ratified by the committee.

In the extraordinary meeting of the committee, the amendment to some articles of the law on fees of telecommunication services and the draft amendment to some articles of population registration law, was also ratified.

The Ministry of Justice and the National Statistics and Information Authority has jointly prepared the amendment to some articles of population registration law due to the incorporation of the Population Registration Office into the National Statistics and Information Authority, as well as to respond the request of women rights activists to include the mother's name in the identity cards.


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