Administrative and Finance Deputy Minister of Justice on his trip to Balkh Province Emphasized on the Same Implementation of the Laws

Sun, Oct 18 2020 10:09 AM

Mr. Gol Mohammad Golzai, Deputy Admin and Finance Minister of Justice traveled to Balkh province as a head of the delegation, and in a meeting with the officials of the justice departments of the northern zone of the country, emphasized one the same implementation of law.

Deputy Admin and Finance Minister of Justice traveled to Balkh province on Tuesday, 13th of October, in order to participate in a coordination meeting amongst the Ministry of Justice and the directorates of the northern zones. The meeting was also attended by the Legal Aids General Director, General Director Hoquq of the Ministry of Justice, Provincial Directors of Justice of Balkh and Samangan Provinces and officials of State Cases and Legal Aids in the Northern provinces.

In this meeting, Mr. Gol Mohammad Golzai evaluated the performance processes of departments of technical, administrative and procurement, organizational structures, liaisons and solidification of coordination arenas.

He also spoke about how to attract the advocacy and cooperation of departments, identify problems and accentuated on the same and accurate enforcement of laws.


Administrative and Finance Deputy Minister of Justice during his visit to Balkh province, also met and discussed with Dr. Mohammad Afzal Hadid, director of the Provincial Council of this province. Both side in the meeting exchanged their ideas about how to execute the final verdicts of the courts and decrees issued by the State Cases.

He also stated that, the cooperation of the representatives of the provincial council in the realization of the objectives of the ministry of justice with regard to good governance, fighting against corruption and bringing transparency is vital.


In the other part of their visit, Administrative and Finance Deputy Minister of Justice and his accompanying delegation participated in the Legal Internship Program, which was launched by the Ministry of Justice in cooperation with the Rule of Law Department of the GIZ Office. This 15 day internship course, was held for 35 subdirectors of Hoquq, States Cases, and Hoquq Managers of of Balkh, Jawzjan, Sar-e-Pul, Samangan and Baghlan districts.

The Deputy Minister of Justice also visited the Department of Justice of Balkh Province and examined the performance process of different section of this department. He listened to the problems and suggestions of the officials and employees of the Balkh Justice Department and directed to resolve it.


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