Acting Minister of Justice Introduces Draft Labor Law to House of Representatives

Wed, Nov 11 2020 1:16 PM

Esteemed Qazawatpooh Fazil Ahmad Manawi, nominee and acting minister of Justice, presented and introduced a new draft labor law to the House of Representatives. This law has been prepared in 14 chapters and 165 articles, and today Wednesday, 11th of November was introduced to the plenary session of the House of Representatives.

While introducing the draft labor law, acting minister of Justice expressed that the labor has been one of the most important segments of the economic and social developments in the world; and in Afghanistan also the Osulnamas or regulations related to rights of the labor have been enacted in the past.

He added that on the basis of article 48 of the constitution and international commitments made to EU to revise the legislative documents such as the labor law, it required to revise this law, approved in 2008.

Mr. Manawi said that the new draft labor law has been prepared in accordance with the international legal documents such as the conventions (relating to labor and laborer, requirements for employment) and other treaties related to them.


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