Full Report on the Functions and Performances of the Ministry of Justice in the Fiscal Year 2020

Wed, Feb 03 2021 2:42 PM

Dear readers you can read a detailed report from the performances of ministry of justice in 2020 fiscal year, in the field of legislation, defense of public properties, proceeding to legal litigations, coordination and cohesion on the registration and inspection of political parties and social associations, provision of free legal aid, combatting against human and migrants’ trafficking, advocating the human rights, dealing with the applications of Afghanistan citizenship acquisition and renunciation, financial- accounting- procurement and planning affairs, reforms and combatting against administrative corruption and affairs related to human resources.

This report also consists of existing challenges and their proposed solutions of this ministry and it is available in the following link:

Please click here to download the report!


Mon, Sep 05 2022 4:12 PM
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The Ministry of Justice Presented the One Year Report on the Activities and Achievement of This Ministry

Sheikh Abdul Kareem Haidar, the Professional Deputy Minister of Ministry of Justice, presented the one year report on the activities and achievements of this ministry on Sunday, 5th of. . .

Sun, Aug 28 2022 2:56 PM
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Minister of Justice meets with Acting in Charge of UNAMA

Sheikh al-hadeeth Mawlawi Sahib Abdul Hakeem Sharei, the acting minister of justice of Islamic Emirate met with Mr. Markus Potzel, deputy special representative of the secretary general. . .