Legislation Committee of Cabinet Ratifies Draft of Two Legislative Documents

Mon, Jul 20 2020 11:45 AM

Monday July 20th 2020

The Legislation Committee of the cabinet of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ratified the draft amendment to some articles of the law on academic cadre members of the Institute of Legislative Drafting and Academic- Legal Researches of the Ministry of Justice and the draft regulation on governing the duties of the office of nomads.

The meeting of legislation Committee of the cabinet was held on Sunday July 19th chaired by Professor Sarwar Danish, the second vice president and the chairman of the committee. In this meeting Dr. Abdul Basir Anwar, Minister of Justice and other members of the committee were the participants.


Minister of Justice in this meeting presented the draft amendment to Article 7 of the law on academic cadre members of the Institute of Legislative Drafting and Academic- Legal Researches of this Ministry and then following exhaustive discussions and exchanges of views, it was ratified by the committee members.

This draft amendment has been prepared to align and equalize the privileges of the academic staff member of the Legislative Institute, with the privileges of the academic members of higher education institutions and the Academic Cadres of the Academy of Sciences and the specialized scientific staff of the Ministry of Public Health.

The draft amendment to Article 7 of this law has been prepared in accordance with the Cabinet ratification and orders the Ministry of Finance to implement the cadre privileges of the Institute of Legislative Affairs and Scientific-Legal Research of the Ministry of Justice.


The Ministry of Justice prepares this draft in financial consultation with the Ministry of Finance for finalization and submission to cabinet meeting.

At the meeting of the Cabinet Legislation Committee, also the draft regulation on organizing the duties of the office of Nomads, was discussed and approved. This draft regulation has been prepared in four chapters and 24 articles for the purpose of better management and handle the duties of the Nomads and will be submitted to the cabinet meeting for further consideration.

The legislation committee also discussed the draft amendment and addition to some articles of military punishments law. The members of the meeting decided after a detailed discussion, that this draft requires to be further discussed in an exclusive meeting.


In this meeting certain issues related to notarization of translation of legal documents and consular services were also discussed and the second vice president emphasized that the notarization of translation charges must be collected from the citizens by one single authority. He further added that this issue needs to be discussed in an exclusive meeting to discuss it in more details and make use of the experiences of other countries.


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