Minister of Justice: "The Status of a Defense Lawyer and Prosecutor in a Case should be Equal”

Sun, Feb 21 2021 3:05 PM

Qanunpooh Fazil Ahmad Manawi, Minister of Justice met with the project manager of (access to justice and judicial quality service) of the United Nations Development Program in Afghanistan, and discussed the cooperation of this organization in the field of legal aid section and other sections of this ministry.

During this meeting taken place on Sunday 21th of February, Minister of Justice pointed out that, the legal aid is the formidable reputation and an important part of this ministry and owing to this fact, the High Commission for Legal Aid was established to expand the activities thereof.

Mr. Manawi added that: “We do not want all activities to be concentrated in the centers, in fact, these services are needed to be expanded to the most isolated provinces and districts as well.” He added that: “We are trying to strengthen the status of the defense lawyer so that he/she can play the same role as the prosecutor with regard to the legal cases before the court of law.” He asserted that the role of a defense lawyer in a case helps to ensure justice; he added that, the role of the lawyer should not be symbolic. The presence of a defense lawyer ensures a fair trial.


Mr. Manawi said that, the High Commission on Legal Aid establishes the “Legal Aid Supporting Monetary Fund” in order to create more consistency in assistances and expand the legal aid provision. The president has approved this plan so that the legal aid is more consistent and make the active organizations involved in this matter more accountable.

Furthermore, minister of justice pointed out that, the legislative section of ministry of justice needs more innovation and a fundamental reform so that the legislative system be adjusted to contemporary standards and people be more involved in the process of legislation. 

He called for UNDP cooperation in these areas, especially in the field of supporting the Legal Aid Fund.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Zubair Qani, head of the UNDP project for access to quality justice and judicial services (AQJS), said that in the field of legal aid, this institution is promoting the "LEGF" project, through which it has supported 12 provinces that legal aid in these provinces is provided through organization.

He added that other 12 provinces are also supposed to be covered by this program through the provincial justice departments.

Mr. Qani stated that the establishment of a Legal Aid Fund to regulate activities and support legal aid is a good experience and it supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

He asseverated that, in the New Year, this organization would conduct the capacity building programs for the employees of the Ministry of Justice Human Rights Support Department so that the reporting on the implementation of international human rights proposals be carried out more precisely and in accordance with a mechanism.



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