The Minister of Justice met with a delegation from the United Nations

Thu, Mar 03 2022 12:46 PM

Acting Minister of Justice of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Sheikh Al-Hadith Malawi Sahib Abdul Hakim Sharia, on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 met with Miss Maryam Maffensanti the UN acting in charge rule of law and Mr. Reginald Pitz the acting in charge of the Office of Counter Narcotics and Crime, and an accompanying delegation at the ministry negotiate.


During the meeting, the UN delegation briefed the Minister of Justice on the rule of law and the Department of Counter Narcotics and its crimes and activities. In addition to providing information on various aspects of the review, the review of laws, legal aid plans, advances in licensing lawyers, challenges and priorities of the Ministry of Justice and Other issues were also discussed.


The Acting Minister of Justice thanked the United Nations for its assistance to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and briefed the delegation on the progress of the Islamic Emirate. He called on the United Nations to recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the scholars and jurists appointed to study the law, as well as the staff of the Ministry of Justice's Free Legal Counseling Service Center. To co-operate with the Islamic Emirate and the Ministry of Justice in stopping the use of narcotics.


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