Minister of Justice meets with elders of Nangarhar Province

Wed, Nov 24 2021 12:38 PM

Shaikh Abdul Hakim Sharai, the Acting Justice Minister of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan met with the tribal elders of Nangarhar in his office on Sunday November 21, 2021.

At this meeting, Hamdullah Haqani, General In charge of Nangarhar Council and fifteen other tribal elders participated on behalf of the people of Nangarhar.

Mr. Haqani on behalf of the guests thanked and expressed his gratitude to Minister of Justice and congratulated the new responsibility to him. Besides that he stressed on the relation and coordination between people and government and promised that the people of Nangahar are standing beside the regime (Nizam). He added that we promise to serve our religion, country and people. He added that we are satisfied with Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and their behaviors and if you want us to cooperate we are ready to cooperate. He said that by arrival of Islamic Emirate our big wishes have been fulfilled.

Shaikh ul-Hadith Mawlawi Abdul Hakim Sharai, the Acting Minister of Justice thanked and welcomed them. He added that any government which is backed by its people and nation will definitely endure. For the preservation and endurance of a regime and government the cooperation of the people is necessary. He said, “I am very happy today to meet representatives of the people and listen to their problems and we will jointly find solution for them”. Furthermore, he emphasized that our dignity is yours and your dignity is our dignity and all of us have the responsibility of preserving each other dignity.

Minister of Justice said, “We have fought a prolonged war against a super power and gained the victory by the support of Allah and cooperation of our people, and now, it is still necessary that you stand behind the regime, support it and consider this regime as your own regime”.

He expressed, “As a minister I consider myself as your servant and will not begrudge any efforts in your service”!

The Minister of Justice asked them to always work with Emirate and cooperate with their regime. He stressed that the country has the status of a mother and rendering service to the country should not depend on salary.




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