The General Director of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice meets with the Acting In-charge of the Rule of Law Unit of the UNAMA Office

Sun, Jun 26 2022 10:00 AM

Mufti Fazel  Hadi Sahebzadeh, General Director of the Institute of Legislative Affairs and Scientific-Legal Research of the Ministry of Justice of the Islamic Emirate met with Dr. Samuel Opuko acting in-charge of the UNAMA rule of law unit and their accompanying delegation at the Ministry of Justice on Tuesday June 23, 2022.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed about the constitution, the process of laws and  rule of law in Afghanistan.

Mr. Samuil offered the UNAMA’s condolences to the Ministry of Justice on the incident that took place on the Kandahar highway and resulted in the martyrdom of one of the directors of the Ministry of Justice, as well as the recent earthquake in the southern provinces that caused great loss of life and financial to the Afghan people.


During the meeting the Director of the Legislation of the Ministry of Justice stressed the rule of law and its importance in society, saying that it is impossible to ensure security and reduce crime without rule o f law in the society. He added that the Islamic Emirate is trying to provide the people with suitable laws, security and a good life.

He also said that Amir-Ul-Momenin had instructed the Ministry of Justice and other offices to complet the laws review process as soon as possible. He added that the Ministry of Justice has various committees to review laws, including religious schalors, muftis and jurist.

The Director of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice provided information on the modality of work on the constitution, said that a 25-member committee has been appointed to review the constitution of Afghanistan and the constitution of other courntries and work is underway on this law.


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