Cabinet passed the legislative report and legislative plan of the years (2019-2020) of the Ministry of Justice

The Cabinet of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has approved the full report on the legislative implementation of the Ministry of Justice in 2019, which includes the steps of 102 legislative documents, providing legal advices, juridical and legal opinions on memorandums and agreements, and the certification of official documents and translation of these documents.
Also, the legislative plan of 2020 of the Ministry of Justice for this year was approved in the cabinet meeting that was held on Monday, 13th of Thor.

Based on this complete legislative report of 2019, in this year, 102 legislative documents have been drafted, researched and processed by the Ministry of Justice of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
Among of them, 9 legislative documents are including the Law on Medical Specialized Scientific Staff, the law on the Regulation of prison affairs, the draft law on the Higher Department of Investigation, modification and addition in some articles of the Higher Education Law.

The repeal of some articles of the Police Law and the Land Acquisition Law of the Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India Gas Pipeline Project were published during the Presidential Legislative Decrees and then sent to the Ministry of State for Parliamentary Affairs for consideration by the National Assembly.
There are also 30 legislative documents have been sent to the Cabinet Law Committee this year, including the Dar- Al- Aftaa- Law, draft Law on Compensation for Civilian Victims of Conflict, draft law on the rights and privileges of the survivors of the martyrs and the draft law of Inspector's Office.

The draft of 38 other legislative documents has been sent to the General Directorate of the Presidential office, after the approval of the Cabinet Law Committee, to be presented to the cabinet. These documents include a draft regulation of arranging the public and private partnership affaire, draft of explosive ordnance disposal regulation, draft law of regulation on Commercial Declaration of goods and Services, draft law on restoration of illegal assets, draft law on Wildlife Protection, draft regulation of Civil Aviation Security, draft law of refugee, draft law on the inauguration ceremony, draft of labor law, five decrees on amnesty and relief, and several other documents submitted to the country's cabinet.
In addition, 17 other documents have been submitted to the Ministry of Justice after the approval of the Cabinet for publication. Four other documents have also been sent to the National Assembly for approval after resolution by the cabinet.

In addition to the steps of 102 legislative document, in total, in 2019, the Ministry of Justice provided 410 legal advice to government ministries and agencies, expressed legal views on 164 agreements, memorandums and contracts, and certified the translation of more than 112,000 official documents.
Also, 141 other documents, including legal documents, decrees and resolutions, agreements, contract and strategies, have been translated into national and international languages. Successful holding of the third term of the Legislative Stage for 137 people is another function of the Ministry of Justice in 1398.
For the year 1399, the Ministry of Justice has signed, researched and processed 60 legislative documents including 25 laws, 30 regulations and 5 amendments to the legislative documents.
Drafting of private educational institutions, Drafting of medical violations, drafting the law of interpretation of the constitution, drafting law on principles of administrative trials, drafting the law of takafal, drafting law on Statistics, drafting the cyber law, drafting law of medicinal plants, drafting law of municipalities, drafting of the cadastral law, drafting of the land registration law, drafting of the police law and the drafting and amendment of 48 other legislative documents in the civil and economic sectors, including the legislative work plan for 1399, have been submitted to the Ministry of Justice.