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The order of the Amir al-Muminin (may Allah protect him), regarding how to pass the stages of principle (legislative) documents

First Article:

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Free Legal Aid

The Department of Legal Aid is one of the key departments of the Ministry of Justice. This department has two Sub-directorates (Legal Aid Sub-directorate and Public Legal Awareness Sub-directorate).

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Relinquishing Citizenship

  • The relinquishing of citizenship is done based on the person’s written request within limits of the provisions of the law.

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Taqnin and Legislation

The process of legislation is based on Law on Processing Manner of Publication and Enforcement of Legislative Documents. The mentioned law does not have an English version to put it here. To read the Dari and Pashto versions which are published in official gazette, please click here:

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Registration of Political Parties, Social Organizations, Real States and Petition Writers

An application letter subjected to Ministry of Justice:

This application is on behalf of founders or people who were granted the authority by founders, leadership board or Central Council of the party. 

Even though the leader of the party signs the application form, it is deemed necessary that recognition of the leader should be confirmed by the highest decision maker of the party or by the founder members through a signed confirmation letter. These signatories including the leader of the party shall be considered as applicants.

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Huquq and Human Rights

Afghanistan ratified most of the core international human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economical, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention of the Rights of the Child.

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Procedure of Addressing Petitions and Complaints of Persons

Article 1:

This procedure is enacted in order to directly hear and address petitions and complaints of real and legal persons regarding performance of MoJ staff in circumstances stated in first section, article 26 of Law on Inspecting Petitions.

Article 2:

Petitions based on complaints of persons regarding performance of MoJ staff are directly addressed by the Minister of Justice every Wednesday at 2:00pm.

Article 3:

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Free Legal Aids

General Directorate of Legal Aids of Ministry of Justice

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