Notice of the General Directorate of Emirate Cases of the Ministry of Justice

Wed, Feb 09 2022 7:54 PM

Hereby the owners of the central and provincial real estate agencies are notified to observe the following points while executing transactions and to implement them during execution of the transactions.

- The owners of real estate agencies should be cautious in conducting transactions to ensure that transactions between individuals and entities (land, houses, apartments, commercial houses, shops, cars, etc.) are carried out, its documents should be scrutinized carefully. Such transactions should be strictly avoided if the legal and sharia documents do not comply with article 7, paragraph 1 of the real estate law.

- If at the time of purchase and sale of the above property is considered public and Emirate property or if there is any doubt about it, the real estate agencies will not be able to conduct such transaction.

- If the real estate agencies are conducting transaction contrary to the above-mentioned issues, their license will be taken away and they will be kept under judicial supervision, then they will not have the right to complain.


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