Ministry of Justice Convenes a Training on Explanation of Law to Combat Administrative Corruption in Herat province

Thu, Feb 25 2021 9:24 PM

A training course on explaining law on combat against administrative corruption and the basics of legislation was held in Herat province by the Ministry of Justice in collaboration with the Justice Sector Support Program (JSSP).

In this training held on 21st to 23rd of February, experts of the Institute of legislative drafting affairs of the Ministry of Justice and Justice Sector Support Program explained the law on combat against administrative corruption and the basics of legislative drafting to raise the level of professional knowledge of staff members of Herat province Justice Directorate.

The purpose of this program was to familiarize employees with usual and serious crimes of administrative corruption, its applied mechanisms and to improve their perception and arguments about the texts of laws.

It is worth mentioning that the problems related to the Huqoq and State Cases Departments were also discussed and necessary instructions were provided by experts in comparison with the provisions of the related legislative documents especially the Penal Code and Combat against administrative corruption law.   

The participants at the end, appreciated and considered useful the training materials and discussions and emphasized for the continuation of such events.


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