Department of Staff Affairs
The Directorate of Staff Affairs was one of the central directorates of the Ministry of Justice of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and in 1388, the directorate was separated from the body of the Administration and Finance Directorate and established as an independent directorate within the framework of the Ministry of Justice and is responsible for the human resources of the Ministry of Justice.
Formation of Staff Affairs Directorate:
In the approved formation of this directorate in 1401, the directorate has five Sub-directorates and one general administrative management.
Recruitment Management: This Sub-directorate has four general managements of grade (4) in the formation, (general management of central recruitment, general management of provincial recruitment, general management of recruitment of central and provincial contracting staff and general directorate of recruitment and exam committee) including central and provincial recruitment managements, each has one position of grade (5) in their formation.
Sub-directorate of Record Registration and Database and Performance Evaluation: This Sub-directorate has three general managements of grade (4), (general management of attendance, general management of employees' performance evaluation and general management of central and provincial database and record registration) and (5) Management position (attendance management, central record registration management, provincial record registration management, member of general database management and member of performance evaluation management) as well as, each of central and provincial record registration and attendance managements has a position of grade (6).
Sub-directorate of Development: This Sub-directorate has two general managements of grade (4), (general management of organizational structural planning and general management of classification and analysis of organizational duties and structure) each management has a member of grade (5) position.
Sub-directorate of Training & Capacity Building: This Sub-directorate has a general management of grade (4), (general management of plan and implementation of educational plans) which has a member of grade (5), member of need assessment, monitoring, evaluation and database of educational programs as well as six positions of grade (3) instructors, four positions of legal instructors, one administrative financial instructor and a position of computer and English instructor.
Sub-directorate of Staff Communication: This Sub-directorate has one position of grade (3), one position of doctor of grade (4), and one position of grade (5) of conflict resolution and complaints preceding.
General Administrative Management:
Has two rank positions (5) (collection and gathering management of reports and member of general administrative management)
The main objectives of The Directorate of Staff Affairs are:
Recruiting, training, developing and maintaining of competent human resources to achieve the goals of the Ministry of Justice.
The main duties of the Directorate of Human Resources:
- Implementation of laws, regulations, procedures, bills and guidance related to the endurance of the directorate in all its matters on the determined time.
- Identifying the workload of the directorates, determining of departments, analyzing the tasks and arranging the description of task for each position.
- Organizational Structural planning of Staff Affairs according to the workload and requirements of each department or directorate.
- Planning, synthesizing, arranging and developing the organization structure in regards to the internal goals and requirements of the Ministry.
- Hiring qualified persons and recruiting skilled cadres on the basis of piety and merit in accordance with the provisions of the law.
- Setting up record registration offices for central and provincial employees, maintaining and saving of them.
- Implementation of the pension of central and provincial employees from the perspective of retirement, forty years of active service or incurable sickness.
- Inserting all the information of central and provincial employees in the directorate of human resources database and providing timely information to the relevant authorities.
- On time control of staff attendance and providing monthly report for the implementation of employees' salaries.
- Monitoring management of the process of evaluation of employees' performance and taking decision in implementation and its results for the purpose of step and or promotion.
- Setting and reviewing educational needs assessment, arranging plans and conducting educational programs in order to improve the capacity of employees
- Introducing employees to domestic and foreign educational programs.
- Managing issues related to the health and safety of employees, treating patients immediately or introducing them to external hospitals
- Handling of employee’s complaints in cooperation with the Dispute Resolution Committee.
In 1401, the directorate has a total of (41) employee positions and (6) service staff positions (cleaner, storekeeper and driver).