Human Resources Affairs
General Information:
The Ministry of Justice of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in the field of human resources has the following duties and competencies:
Managing the professional and administrative organizational structure of the relevant departments with regard to the load of work required to carry out the duties, taking into account the relevant competence and merit in accordance with the provisions of the law, designing and implementing capacity building programs for the relevant staff according to the provisions of the Human Resources Management Law in the Ministry of Justice, from the stage of creating and designing organizational structures, announcing duties, hiring qualified people to advance the relevant affairs in Kabul and provinces, evaluating the performance of employees and improving their capacity, profile and the employee's retirement is an important part of the Ministry of Justice's activities in this area, which is carried out by the Human Resources department of the Ministry.
The purpose of this section is to attract, develop and maintain qualified and competent workers to achieve the goal set by the Ministry.
On the other hand, the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Justice is responsible for implementing administrative reforms, managing and supervising employees, organizing and reviewing need assessments, introducing employees to internal and external training programs, handling complaints and managing issues related to the employee’s health and safety.
It is worth mentioning that the employment of individuals in this ministry is based on the Labor Law, the Law on Civil Servants and related regulations in close cooperation with the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Services Commission.
More information about vacancies in the Ministry of Justice and employment conditions is available on the Ministry's website and social media pages. The website of the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Services Commission and labor laws also provide information on this.
Read the reports on the functions of the Ministry of Justice in the field of recruitment and use of human resources below:
Monthly Report:
Annual Report: